Tuesday, September 9, 2008

TexRD 0.4 Freeware Start Free Games

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TexRD 0.4 Free Games
Lisensi TexRD 0.4 : Freeware
OS TexRD 0.4 : Microsoft Windows9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3
Prize TexRD 0.4 : 0
Owner TexRD 0.4 :
File Size TexRD 0.4: 144 Kb
Download Game TexRD 0.4 : http://www.texrd.com

TexRD is a useful application that allows animated random textures to be generated by means of algorithms based on reaction-diffusion principle.
More specifically, complex chemical reactions between several fluids
are simulated and produce various patterns by self-organization.
Similar morphogenesis phenomena are
observed in the real life and could account for the patterns observed
on the skin on some animals, exotic fishes, shells, minerals...

Even if it looks complicated to you, it is not necessary to
understand how it exactly works to use TexRD ! You can take the
advantage of the software by simply starting the calculation of the
manifold given examples. Progressively, you will learn how to change
simple parameters like the image size or its colors.

Any texture generated by TexRD can be tiled, i.e. juxtaposing
the same basic texture so as to fill a given space. The texture will
be perfectly adjusted to each other, edge to edge without join. Web
pages backgrounds can also use pattern tiling.

TexRD is designed for graphic designers, cyber-artists, etc...
Like a mathematical game, it showed also be of interest for science
lovers as a powerful tool to create new original textures. The thrill
of discovery is enhanced by the fact that reaction-diffusion patterns
cannot be predicted by the theory .
They require multiple trials associating chance, observations and
attempts to find the rules governing the effects of the various
parameters. You will discover completely novel textures, because
there are so many combinations possible.

With TexRD, you will be able to create all kinds of abstract
images for postal cards or front pages, bindings, paper bookmarks,
windows wallpapers, as well as new ideas for decoration patterns.
Computer graphics experts could also use such textures to cover
virtual objects and make them look more realistic - real world is
full of random patterns!

Free for non-commercial use. TexRD 0.4

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