Thursday, September 11, 2008

Basketball Roster Organizer v1.0 Freeware Start Free Games

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Basketball Roster Organizer v1.0 Free Games
Lisensi Basketball Roster Organizer v1.0 : Freeware
OS Basketball Roster Organizer v1.0 : Microsoft Windows9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3
Prize Basketball Roster Organizer v1.0 : 0
Owner Basketball Roster Organizer v1.0 :
File Size Basketball Roster Organizer v1.0: 585 Kb
Download Game Basketball Roster Organizer v1.0 :

Basketball Roster Organizer is a freeware program designed for basketball coaches of kids leagues and city leagues. It allows coaches to plan and track their basketball team roster.
The Roster Assistant can be used to make sure each basketball player gets a turn at each position, to make sure that each player gets their fair share of playing time, and/or to track which rosters are the most successful. Basketball Roster Assistant allows coaches to track any number of basketball teams as well as any number of basketball games.

For each game played the coach can track the player roster used including which players played which basketball positions during each quarter, which players subbed, the final score, the opponent, wins, losses, and date. The coach can also print out the team roster before to the game. This allows the coach to plan the basketball position and organize substitutes for each quarter prior to the game. Then the coach announces the players and positions as players run out onto the basketball court. No more worries or complaints about who got the most playing time or who didn´t got to play center or point guard.

Basketball Roster Organizer is easy to use, comes with an integrated help package, and best of´s free! Basketball Roster Organizer v1.0

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