Monday, July 28, 2008

GJ Asteroids v1.0 Freeware Start Free Games

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GJ Asteroids v1.0 Free Games
Lisensi GJ Asteroids v1.0 : Freeware
OS GJ Asteroids v1.0 : Microsoft Windows95/98/ME/NT/XP
Prize GJ Asteroids v1.0 : 0
Owner GJ Asteroids v1.0 :
File Size GJ Asteroids v1.0: 980 Kb
Download Game GJ Asteroids v1.0 :

GJ Asteroids is simple to play. Just shoot everything in sight while avoiding the asteroids and your the enemies.

Controlling your ship is quite easy. Use you "Shift" to fire and the cursor keys to move your ship around. Look out for bonus fuel to help you finish the game. GJ Asteroids v1.0

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