Sunday, July 20, 2008

Catch Up v1.0 Freeware Start Free Games

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Catch Up v1.0 Free Games
Lisensi Catch Up v1.0 : Freeware
OS Catch Up v1.0 : Microsoft Windows98/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3
Prize Catch Up v1.0 : 0
Owner Catch Up v1.0 :
File Size Catch Up v1.0: 1.99 Mb
Download Game Catch Up v1.0 :

Have fun as you catch up with the tomatoes.

Bounce the tomatoes on the fryer till they land on the table. As the tomatoes fall from the salad bowl, you have to catch them with the fryer. They will bounce on it and fall again as they approach the table. Catch them each time till they make it to the top of the table. It gets more difficult as the game progresses as the tomatoes come more frequently. Each tomato, whether red or green will add 50 points to your score.

However, there are special items that you need to pay attention to, some are bad and some are good. Try not to catch the canned tomatoes. If you do, you will have 100 points deducted from your score. The pepper is the other one to avoid because it will reduce the size of your fryer. If you catch a heart, you will get an extra life and the salt will also be a good one because it makes your fryer bigger. You are given five lives at the beginning of the game and each time a tomato falls to the ground, one life will be taken away. The game ends when you have no more life.

Try to create your own high score, and have fun as you catch up with the tomatoes. Catch Up v1.0

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